Torrautomation® Systems Pvt. Ltd is a comprehensive resource for Material Handling Automation.
Torrautomation® Systems Pvt. Ltd has developed itself in Material Handling Automation. These include Roller Conveyor, Belt Conveyor, Slat Conveyor, Split Conveyor, Pick & Place Arrangement, and Machine Tending Application.
We have highly skilled people who work on the Material Handling Automation and have devleoped such tools which are really fast.
Flexible Conveyor
Flexible Conveyor systems allow quick and efficient transportation for a wide variety of materials. The flexible conveyor is based on a conveyor beam in aluminium or stainless steel, withlow friction slide rails guiding a plastic multi-flexing chain, Products to be conveyod travel directly on the conveyor, or on pallets/ carriers. These conveyors can beworked around obstacles and keep production lines flowing. They are made at varying levels and can work in multical environments. They are used in food packaging, case packing, and pharmaceutical industries but also in retail stores.